You Want To Lose Weight? Face The Truth: Do You Need To?

You Want To Lose Weight? Face The Truth: Do You Need To?

Do you know the way to lose weight? I’ll tell you right now: Go to the moon, or at least in the space station. Jokes aside, “lose weight” is as much a trend as the web or phones. So what happened? Did everyone become fat when we set foot in the info age? No, but the answer […]

Top 5 Activities Can Help Obese People To Lose Weight

Top 5 Activities Can Help Obese People To Lose Weight

Obesity is defined as the deposition of excessive fat in the body. This may raise the risk of various health issues like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain cancers. The other consequences associated are metabolic syndrome, high blood cholesterol, sleep disorders, atherosclerosis, etc. Inherited factors, combined with the environment and personal diet and […]

Do Fat People Sing Better Opera?

Do Fat People Sing Better Opera?

Understanding The Wonderful World Of Opera Opera is a grand on-stage art form. It is over 400 years old. It merges drama, dance, music, and even special effects. All of this occurs inside a theater. Opera differs from pop music; for opera singers need to have forceful, open, very resonant voices. Even experienced vibrato singers […]

Do You Desperately Want To Lose Those Extra Pounds?

lose weight

Are your pants too tight? Do you feel uneasy? Don’t you feel comfortable walking out feeling yourself? Don’t worry; you’re not alone in the boat. It has become so common and thank God you can always lose those extra pounds. Shockingly it has become so easy to gain weight within a very short period of […]