What Kind Of Military Do We Need Actually?

I also don't know what kind of military we need because I believe we don't need military. But, in the reality, it seems that the military institution is very necessary for every country to stand well in the world.

I also don’t know what kind of military we need because I believe we don’t need military. But, in the reality, it seems that the military institution is very necessary for every country to stand well in the world. The military is one of the characters of measuring the superpower of countries together with politics, […]

7 Interesting Facts About Armies You Need To Know

7 Interesting Facts About Armies You Need To Know

Nations’ armies are their pride, safety, and power. Some countries have fearsome armies while some have teeny tiny ones. In fact, not all nations have armies. Some countries spend to thrive in military power; others are peaceful with their little military. Besides unwavering discipline, armies carry culture and history. They are communities of soldiers, who, […]