5 Simple Ways to Reduce the Risk of Heart Attacks

5 Simple Ways to Reduce the Risk of Heart Attacks

Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death. Among these heart attack and stroke accounts for 85% of the cause of death. It is more common in males, and the average age is 65 of a first heart attack among men. Heart diseases are facilitated by behavioral risk factors such as tobacco use, […]

5 Easily Accessible Home Remedies to Subside Osteoarthritis Pain

5 Easily Accessible Home Remedies to Subside Osteoarthritis Pain

Osteoarthritis is suffering from painful joints. The ends of two bones are joined with a protective tissue called cartilage. In the condition of osteoarthritis, this cartilage breaks down, causing the bones within the joint to collides together. These arise to creaky joints. People get confused about osteoarthritis with rheumatoid arthritis. They both share similar symptoms, […]

5 Amazing Effects of Music to Lead A Chirpy Life

5 Amazing Effects of Music to Lead A Chirpy Life

What is Music??? Music is nothing but rhythm or defined as the composition of meaningful words wrapped with rhythm. There is a list of songs in unique languages, the background music of that song depicts whether it is sad or happy. Categorically music is in a broad category as instrumental, classical, rock, soft, jazz, devotional, […]

Top 5 Activities Can Help Obese People To Lose Weight

Top 5 Activities Can Help Obese People To Lose Weight

Obesity is defined as the deposition of excessive fat in the body. This may raise the risk of various health issues like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain cancers. The other consequences associated are metabolic syndrome, high blood cholesterol, sleep disorders, atherosclerosis, etc. Inherited factors, combined with the environment and personal diet and […]

How Impact Of Music Boosts Cognitive Behaviour?

How Impact Of Music Boosts Cognitive Behaviour?

Cognitive science is a branch which comprises an interdisciplinary study of mind and intelligence, embracing philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology.

How Homely Available Foods Can Balance Your Hormones???

Home food

Hormones are the chemical substances that can be defined as a class of signaling molecules. They are secreted from different glands and the system is together termed as an endocrine system. The hormones release directly into the blood, which carries them to organs and tissues of the body to exert their functions. There are various […]

No-Doubt, Botulinum Toxin Cure Chronic Migraine Attacks


First, Lets know a little about Migraine Migraine is one of the common neurological disorders complaining of pulsating unilateral or bilateral headache. It ranked as the seventh most disabling disease amongst all diseases worldwide. The features observed are recurrent attacks of headache lasts for 4-72 hours with moderate or severe intensity and aggravation by routine […]