This year Telegram has become especially popular not only among ordinary users but also among entrepreneurs. It was Telegram that became another powerful tool that provides a communication channel with customers. And the open rate of messages in this messenger is over 80%!
What Is Its Secret And Why Is It Worth Using Telegram?
Telegram is like Mercedes among messengers, after a trip on which you will not want to return to some other car. Does this mean it’s time to send the rest of the messengers to the furnace? Before deciding – read this text!
Telegram Business Opportunities
1. Channels
By creating a channel for your own company or project, you connect an active audience to your business. You can share company news, useful content, articles from the corporate blog, and changes in the product line with customers. If you provide essay help, you can inform customers about your new services.
There is no competition because among your competitors nobody used it. Therefore, tear the templates and take your audience to this messenger. And then your customers will always be in your pocket, in the smartphone application.
2. Internal Chat Of The Company
Do you want your messages to stay within your company? Then translate the communication and interaction of your employees into Telegram chats. Messages you send can be encrypted and deleted upon receipt.
This way you minimize the risk of losing cool ideas. Besides, it is easy to control the work of the company remotely. It’s easy to control the company’s work process. You just navigate through Telegram chats and stay in the loop!
3. Customer Support Via Telegram
With the help of bots, you can organize customer support. Some companies receive about 7% of orders via Telegram. Clients can receive full support for goods and services without leaving the ecosystem of the messenger and even pay for these goods. But since such a tool is still unusual for the audience, then you should not count on a sharp increase in sales.
If your customers are geeks who love high-tech stuff, then the option of selling within Telegram is for you! But if your customers are ordinary people, then you should not bother with the development of bots and continue to accept payments traditionally.
But organizing support through the application is more than real, and even necessary! Because the client chooses the time to communicate with a company representative and can easily do this during the working day.
4. Catalog Of Goods
Telegram for business allows you to create within the program by developing a bot, a catalog of goods and services using the application programming interface (API).
5. Develop Your Bot
Mobile apps lost their popularity, and small businesses never came to build relationships with apps. But Telegram bots are conquering their place in the sun. What is a bot? It is a robot that easily executes various commands. For example, answering typical customer questions, or sending information that a customer has requested.
You can order the development of your bot, saving time and money for maintaining support in Telegram. Of course, complex questions will have to be answered by a human, and typical questions will be outsourced to a bot. For example, typical questions of assignment writing services, like prices and delivery time, can be answered by a bot.
6. Sending Audio And Media Files
It also helps businesses to build loyalty to their audience. Besides, the video can be viewed directly inside the application. You can also compress the file, reducing its weight already during viewing.
7. Photo Filters
It is a little known feature, but you can use it when sending images to your clients. While it is far from a full-fledged photo editor you can apply filters, inscriptions, stickers to the image without leaving the program’s ecosystem. This feature is currently only available to Android users.
Final Words
Thus, Telegram’s business opportunities are broad if used in the right direction. For example, not bombarding customers with SPAM messages and not publishing too often “mega-useful” content. Or not sending customers to communicate with bots when a customer wants to work with a person and is not ready to purchase through the application interface.